Instructions for Authors


Where do we submit the paper?

The papers will be submited in electronic form, maximum 20 pages, at the editor adress

When can I submit and when it will be published?

The submisions are open all year round , but the papers will be published where there is free space, either in the first issue (June), or the second issue of the year (November).

Where can I find formating information?

The papers, including tables and graphics, should be submitted in word format, all (inclusiv table and figures) into English language. Color figures are admitted for publishing .

References must be arranged alphabetically and listed individually at the end of the manuscript.

It is mandatory to include the digital object identifier (DOI) for all references where available. DOI number should be active and placed last.

Your references should contain a significant number pf articles published in journals indexed in Clarivate (WOS), Scopus, Crossreff , Doaj etc.

Template available for download - click here


What is happenning after submission?

You will receive a mail from to confirm your submission and then, if the paper is aproprioate for our journal, your paper will be forwarded to the reviewers.

Peer review process will consist in:
- verification of the topic of the paper in the review thematic
- verifying compliance with editing rules
- verifying the accuracy of the English language
- analysis of scientific content by two members of the editorial board or by other scientific specialists in the field of the work. In the case of a contradiction, the editorial board will address to a third evaluator.

During this process we will comunicate with you using this adress:

What happens after the review process is completed?

After the paper is corrected acording to the reviewers request, you will receive a mail from

When the last modifications are completed , your will be informed in what issue your paper will be published.


The average acceptance rate for  publication of the received papers, for the last three issues was 55%.

The email adress : will be used from now on, only for solving specific problems and not for the submission or reviewing process..



The journal does  not have article processing charges (APCs) nor article  submission charges.

You can visit the review web site , for editing rules, information about peer review process and previous volumes of the review.

  This journal is financially suported by the Al.I.Cuza University of Iasi and by donations and it doesn't generates revenues, because it is free.


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ISSN 1843-5971 (Printed version) ISSN 2284 – 7820 (online version)

© 2020 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License




Webdesign Adrian Ursu